a painting of Nak-Su, the beautiful Korean female assassin from Alchemy of Souls, Go Yoon Jung, holding a sword in an ocean covered by ice, black and red traditional hanbok, hair tied back, in the style of dark sky-blue and red, cinematic movie still, sandara tang, k-drama, historical drama, lit kid, metafictional, snow scenes, technological fusion

a painting of Nak-Su, the beautiful Korean female assassin from Alchemy of Souls, Go Yoon Jung, holding a sword in an ocean covered by ice, black and red traditional hanbok, hair tied back, in the style of dark sky-blue and red, cinematic movie still, sandara tang, k-drama, historical drama, lit kid, metafictional, snow scenes, technological fusion
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a painting of Nak-Su, the beautiful Korean female assassin from Alchemy of Souls, Go Yoon Jung, holding a sword in an ocean covered by ice, black and red traditional hanbok, hair tied back, in the style of dark sky-blue and red, cinematic movie still, sandara tang, k-drama, historical drama, lit kid, metafictional, snow scenes, technological fusion

Negative Prompt

2d art, 3d art, ((illustration)), anime, cartoon, bad_pictures, bad-artist, EasyNegative,(worst quality:1.6), (low quality:1.6), (normal quality:1.6), lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, vaginas in breasts, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), collapsed eyeshadow, multiple eyebrow, (cropped), oversaturated, extra limb, missing limbs, deformed hands, long neck, long body, imperfect, (bad hands), signature, watermark, username, artist name, conjoined fingers, deformed fingers, ugly eyes, imperfect eyes, skewed eyes, unnatural face, unnatural body, error, bad image, bad photo


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