Fantasy characters. Enjoy

((((Upper body photograph)))) Generate a very realistic Photograph of an insanely beautiful Mahina, The Technomancer:Mahina possesses a fierce beauty with piercing cybernetic eyes that radiate a neon glow. Her face is adorned with intricate, circuit-like patterns, blending the ancient and futuristic. Neon tattoos trace along her body, pulsing with energy. She wears a cyberpunk-inspired outfit, a fusion of high-tech materials and traditional Tahitian elements. The setting is a sprawling cyberpunk cityscape intertwined with lush Tahitian landscapes. Art and scenario by Yoji Shinkawa. Costume by Alexander McQueen. CGI effects by Double Negative. Photograph by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott, Taken with a 50mm f/1.8 lens, f/2.2 aperture, shutter speed 1/200s, ISO 100 and natural light, Hyper Realistic Photography process, Cinematic, Cinema, Hyperdetailed. UHD, Color Correction, hdr, color grading, hyper realistic CG animation,Monster,cyborg style

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