Title: Enigmatic Female Sea Creature. Character Description: - Create a highly detailed and photorealistic full body depiction of an anthropomorphic female, blending attributes from a mythological kraken adorned in intricate tentacle-like appendages that cover her back, waist, legs, and head. - She has a menacing and foreboding facial expression with a smirk upon her lips, hinting at a hidden agenda or malevolence. - Her eyes are green (green_eyes, perfecteyes) that radiate a presence of evil in them. - Slightly furrow her eyebrows to intensify a menacing shape. - Her face should be adorned with an intricately designed full head piece made of sharp protruding bone and coral. - Hair should be, long, black (black_hair) and affected by the breeze. - Her arms are slightly extended away from the body, emphasizing dominance and control of her surroundings. - She should be represented in a full body frontal view. - In each hand she holds a long sword. - Surround her with an expansive and serene ocean, depicting the ocean's surface with subtle ripples and waves to convey its vastness. - The character should be sitting on top of a jagged rocky formation jutting out of the ocean's surface. - The swords in each hand and attire should appear menacing and formidable, Adorn them with golden ornate embroidered metal that’s enhanced using (metallic, chrome) while also incorporating intricate designs that align with her character's aesthetic, fusing deep sea and mythical themed elements.

Title: Enigmatic Female Sea Creature.
Character Description:
-	Create a highly detailed and photorealistic full body depiction of an anthropomorphic female, blending attributes from a mythological kraken adorned in intricate tentacle-like appendages that cover her back, waist, legs, and head.
-	She has a menacing and foreboding facial expression with a smirk upon her lips, hinting at a hidden agenda or malevolence.
-	Her eyes are green (green_eyes, perfecteyes) that radiate a presence of evil in them.
-	Slightly furrow her eyebrows to intensify a menacing shape.
-	Her face should be adorned with an intricately designed full head piece made of sharp protruding bone and coral.
-	Hair should be, long, black (black_hair) and affected by the breeze.
-	Her arms are slightly extended away from the body, emphasizing dominance and control of her surroundings.
-	She should be represented in a full body frontal view.
-	In each hand she holds a long sword.
-	Surround her with an expansive and serene ocean, depicting the ocean's surface with subtle ripples and waves to convey its vastness.
-	The character should be sitting on top of a jagged rocky formation jutting out of the ocean's surface.
-	The swords in each hand and attire should appear menacing and formidable,
Adorn them with golden ornate embroidered metal that’s enhanced using (metallic, chrome) while also incorporating intricate designs that align with her character's aesthetic, fusing deep sea and mythical themed elements.

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