Same prompt different LoRAs

Long, weary lines of soldiers trudging back from the front, shadows of the men they once were, Dusk, , Shipwreck, Disquieting,Phantom-like, (Monochromatic:1.1), (Isolation:1.1), (Chiaroscuro:1.1), (Strobe light:1.2), Marble, Polygon, ((Romantic,soft,passionate,tender:0.99),(Rule of Thirds,balanced,offset focus,Rough,gritty,coarse,rugged,Hard Light,sharp,strong contrast,defined:0.75),(Cinma Vrit,naturalistic,observational,unobtrusive:0.99):0.5), ultra detailed, intricate, oil on canvas, dry brush, (surrealism:1.1), (disturbing:1.1)

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