((midynight, Need, 8k, tmasterpiece:1.3)), full bodyesbian, Long legs, Focalors:1.2, perfect figure beautiful woman:1.4, Slim abs:1.1, ((Dark brown hair, huge tit:1.2 )), (Lingerie transparent, transparent panty, standing on your feet:1.2), ((urban street scene, the roof:1.3)), Highly detailed facial and skin texture, A detailed eye, 二重まぶた

((midynight, Need, 8k, tmasterpiece:1.3)), full bodyesbian, Long legs, Focalors:1.2, perfect figure beautiful woman:1.4, Slim abs:1.1, ((Dark brown hair, huge tit:1.2 )), (Lingerie transparent, transparent panty, standing on your feet:1.2), ((urban street scene, the roof:1.3)), Highly detailed facial and skin texture, A detailed eye, 二重まぶた

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