Highly detailed RAW color Photo, Rear Angle, Full Body, of (female space soldier, wearing vivid bright pink and black space suit, helmet, tined face shield, rebreather), from behind, nice ass, pear shaped ass, outdoors, (looking up at advanced alien structure), (sci-fi), (mountains:1.1), (lush green vegetation), (two moons in sky:1.3), (highly detailed, hyperdetailed, intricate), (lens flare:0.7), (bloom:0.7), particle effects, raytracing, cinematic lighting, shallow depth of field, photographed on a Sony a9 II, 50mm wide angle lens, sharp focus, cinematic film still from Gravity 2013.,mecha

Highly detailed RAW color Photo, Rear Angle, Full Body, of (female space soldier, wearing vivid bright pink and black space suit, helmet, tined face shield, rebreather), from behind, nice ass, pear shaped ass, outdoors, (looking up at advanced alien structure), (sci-fi), (mountains:1.1), (lush green vegetation), (two moons in sky:1.3), (highly detailed, hyperdetailed, intricate), (lens flare:0.7), (bloom:0.7), particle effects, raytracing, cinematic lighting, shallow depth of field, photographed on a Sony a9 II, 50mm wide angle lens, sharp focus, cinematic film still from Gravity 2013.,mecha

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