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{{A mesmerizing depiction of Izayoi Miku}} singing {her heart out on stage}. This is a {musically inspired} image that showcases {her vibrant stage presence}. The environment/background should be {a concert stage filled with colorful lights and cheering fans}, to create an {atmosphere of electrifying energy and excitement}. The image should be in the style of a {vibrant digital illustration}, incorporating elements of {concert photography and the visual style of music album covers}. The close-up shot, captured with a {wide-angle lens}, will provide a {dynamic and immersive view}. The lighting should be {dynamic and pulsating}, emphasizing {the glow of the stage lights and the intensity of her performance}. The desired level of detail is {high}, with a {4K resolution}, highlighting {the intricacies of her outfit and the emotion in her eyes}. The goal is to create a {visually captivating} image that immerses viewers in the {excitement of Izayoi Miku's music}.

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