8K, Ultra-HD, Natural Lighting, Moody Lighting, Cinematic Lighting, detailed,CG,unity,extremely detailed CG,extremely detailed,extremely detailed,Amazing,finely detail,official art,High quality texture,lots of fine detail, sci-fi movie style, photography, natural textures, natural light, natural blur, photorealism, cinematic rendering, ray tracing, highest quality, highest detail, Cinematic, Long Exposure, solo,armed female figure in a white sci-fi suit,white tight jumpsuit,wear a helmet,mask, sci-fi visor, sci-fi lens, sci-fi respirator,energy rifle,mecha,cyberpunk,straight-on,upper body,fighting_stance,behind is a battle, cinematic explosions, flying particles, helmet and armor

8K, Ultra-HD, Natural Lighting, Moody Lighting, Cinematic Lighting,
detailed,CG,unity,extremely detailed CG,extremely detailed,extremely detailed,Amazing,finely detail,official art,High quality texture,lots of fine detail, sci-fi movie style, photography, natural textures, natural light, natural blur, photorealism, cinematic rendering, ray tracing, highest quality, highest detail, Cinematic, Long Exposure, 
solo,armed female figure in a white sci-fi suit,white tight jumpsuit,wear a helmet,mask, sci-fi visor, sci-fi lens, sci-fi respirator,energy rifle,mecha,cyberpunk,straight-on,upper body,fighting_stance,behind is a battle, cinematic explosions, flying particles, helmet and armor



8K, Ultra-HD, Natural Lighting, Moody Lighting, Cinematic Lighting, detailed,CG,unity,extremely detailed CG,extremely detailed,extremely detailed,Amazing,finely detail,official art,High quality texture,lots of fine detail, sci-fi movie style, photography, natural textures, natural light, natural blur, photorealism, cinematic rendering, ray tracing, highest quality, highest detail, Cinematic, Long Exposure, solo,armed female figure in a white sci-fi suit,white tight jumpsuit,wear a helmet,mask, sci-fi visor, sci-fi lens, sci-fi respirator,energy rifle,mecha,cyberpunk,straight-on,upper body,fighting_stance,behind is a battle, cinematic explosions, flying particles, helmet and armor

Negative Prompt

(nsfw:1.5),EasyNegative, paintings, sketches, retro style, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, polar lowres, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), ugly, (bad anatomy1.2), (malformation), (deformation), (anomaly), (mutilated), out of frame, skin spots, acnes, skin blemishes, age spot, glans,extra fingers,fewer fingers, ((watermark:2)), ((white letters:1)), jpeg artifacts, signature, username, blurry, text, error, cropped face, cross-eyed, long neck, bad-hands-5


DPM++ SDE Karras



CFG Scale




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