best quality, extremely detailed, area lighting in background, HD, 8k, extremely intricate:1.3), realistic, a sexy ((mermaid)) sitting next to her dragon under the sea, pretty face, emotional eyes, glowing ruin on her chest, ((white hair)), long hair, ((hair floating in the water)), small fish play around her, ((the scene of the ruined city under the sea and ((the water dragon)) in the background)), GlowingRunes_blue, ((mermaid tail)), ((nude)), long, close face view, dragon r1ge, dragon, ((belly)),DonMW4t3r,WaterAI,DragonCute,no_humans,dragon hug, zoom in upper body

best quality, extremely detailed, area lighting in background, HD, 8k, extremely intricate:1.3), realistic, a sexy ((mermaid)) sitting next to her dragon under the sea, pretty face, emotional eyes, glowing ruin on her chest, ((white hair)), long hair, ((hair floating in the water)), small fish play around her, ((the scene of the ruined city under the sea and ((the water dragon)) in the background)), GlowingRunes_blue, ((mermaid tail)), ((nude)), long, close face view, dragon r1ge, dragon, ((belly)),DonMW4t3r,WaterAI,DragonCute,no_humans,dragon hug, zoom in upper body

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