Generate an ultra-high-resolution, photorealistic image with meticulous details. Focus on achieving unparalleled quality in facial features, especially the eyes. The image should depict a full-body view of a female character in a mechanical world with a sinister ambiance. She embodies a mix of elements including godlike, demons, cyborgs, and royalty.

Portray her as a queen with an air of superiority, adorned in captivating red armor and a distinctive helmet. Emphasize her striking beauty, combining a curvaceous and fit physique. Incorporate subtle yet powerful attributes such as metallic claws, scars on her face, and a short hairstyle. Her red eyes should radiate a malevolent red aura, exuding anger, aggression, and an ominous glow.

Convey a sense of bloodthirstiness and deadliness in her gaze, as if her eyes could inflict harm. Ensure her hands are portrayed prominently, enhancing the unsettling atmosphere. Additionally, include elements that symbolize her authority, such as a crown. The overall effect should be eerie and unsettling, capturing her sinister essence.

The composition should reflect the character's dominance and her unsettling surroundings. Use the username "queen of demons" as a reference for the character's appearance and demeanor. The image should convey a narrative of bloodshed and the character's commanding presence within this mechanized, malevolent world, xxmix_girl,big ass,sex_nude

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Remix and post it, and it will appear here.