Generate an ultra-realistic image of a young girl in a sunlit forest, achieving cinematic quality with an 8K resolution. Emphasize intricate aesthetic details to make the scene come alive: the girl's fair skin, hazel eyes, and chestnut brown hair, all meticulously detailed. Dress her in a light blue floral dress that shows subtle signs of wear, and place her under dappled sunlight that creates soft highlights on her skin and attire. Incorporate a sense of motion with a stray strand of hair gently moving in the breeze. Give her cheeks a sprinkling of freckles for added authenticity. In one hand, she delicately holds a basket brimming with a variety of wildflowers. Her other hand brushes against the leaves of a nearby tree, showcasing her connection with the natural world. The environment's lighting and shadows should interact seamlessly with her presence, maintaining a high level of detail even in shadows. The image should transport viewers into this lifelike, cinematic moment in the forest

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