Kaarah Issan 2

full-body, RAW, analog style, A stunning portrait of a young, beautiful woman with big breasts and striking features and armor, armor plating. She should have long, a captivating gaze, and an alluring expression. The background should be space-ship doors open, yet neutral and simple, allowing the woman to be the image's focal point. She is the most beautiful woman, and certainly the most striking. She was slim and tall, with dark brown skin and close-cropped black hair. She had tattoos or scars on her forehead with indeterminate symbols. Her armor was dark ceramite armor that only revealed her head and hair. At her side was a glowing dagger. Her large red cloak fluttered in the breeze. Her wide hood was pulled back so that her head could be seen. a name engraved on the breastplate in the imperial medieval language – Karah Isaan.,DonMASKTex ,shodanSS_soul3142,MetalAI,githyanki,Aranea

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