Goku, de algún universo paralelo. Dragon Ball.

{{masterpiece}}}, {{{best quality}}}, {{{ultra-detailed}}}, {cinematic lighting}, {illustration).
Goku, with his piercing gaze and dark eyes filled with determination, reflects his fearless spirit. His long, spiky blond hair, characteristic of Saiyans, frames his face with an air of constant adventure. His genuine smile radiates warmth and confidence, while his muscular, athletic build evidences his rigorous training. His hands in a relaxed position. His mark of character, his scars from past battles, add depth to his figure. Taken together, these physical traits portray Goku as an unflappable and friendly hero with an unmistakable aura.
Defiant look at the viewer.
((position of the face and body fully facing the viewer, centered on the scene: 1.6))
((Goku's characteristic orange and blue uniform)).
(((Emblematic Logo embodied on his chest: 1.6)))
((Total absence of background, gray fade: 1.8))

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