Physical Build:
Captain Elara Nova possesses a slender and lithe physique, finely tuned to the demands of space salvage missions and her adventurous lifestyle. Her body structure seamlessly blends athleticism with a graceful elegance, reflecting her ability to navigate both treacherous debris fields and the corridors of her salvage ship with equal poise.

Height and Stature:
Elara stands at an average height of 5 feet 6 inches (167 cm), which grants her a compact yet capable presence. Her stature is a testament to her adaptability, enabling her to excel in various environments ranging from cramped ship compartments to the expansive expanse of space.

Muscular Tone:
While her build is lean, Elara's muscles are well-defined and functional. Her arms exhibit toned biceps and triceps, indicating her prowess in handling salvage equipment and physical challenges. Her legs are similarly toned, supporting her agility during spacewalks and exploration.

Flexibility and Grace:
Elara's body possesses a fluid flexibility, evident in her fluid movements and range of motion. Her dexterity is an asset during salvaging tasks that demand quick reflexes and nimble actions. Her grace is particularly noticeable during zero-gravity maneuvers, where she moves with an almost dance-like elegance.

Elara maintains an upright yet relaxed posture, exuding an approachable and friendly demeanor. Her shoulders are relaxed, and her back is straight, conveying a balance between professionalism and approachability that endears her to her crew members.

Physical Features:

Eyes: Elara's eyes are a captivating shade of deep green, reflecting her affinity for exploration and her connection to the mysteries of space. They hold a spark of curiosity and determination, which fuels her desire to uncover hidden secrets.
Hair: Her hair is a lustrous chestnut brown, falling in loose waves that frame her face. During salvage operations, she keeps it tied back in a practical bun to maintain focus and efficiency.
Scars and Marks: Faint scars and small calluses on her fingers and palms serve as reminders of her extensive salvage work. These minor blemishes illustrate her hands-on approach to her profession.
Overall Presence:
Elara's physical structure epitomizes the balance between strength and finesse, underscoring her role as an agile and intrepid space salvage captain. Her compact build and graceful movements convey a sense of resilience, competence, and a spirit of adventure that defines her character in the "Galactic Salvage" game.

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