TarjaTurunenQuiron woman, wet skin and hair, big breasts, hard breasts, long straight hair, perfect body, fashion photorealism, high definition sysie details, photography, sharpness, dynamic position (full body:1.3) of the (light-skin:1.4) , etailed face with (pores:1.1) and (freckles:1.1), soft facial features, (fat:0.2), (glowing:1.4),

TarjaTurunenQuiron woman,  wet skin and hair, big breasts, hard breasts, long straight hair, perfect body, fashion photorealism, high definition sysie details, photography, sharpness, dynamic position (full body:1.3) of the (light-skin:1.4) , etailed face with (pores:1.1) and (freckles:1.1), soft facial features, (fat:0.2),  (glowing:1.4),

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