A Gorgeous black haired female Indonesian West Javanese Rice Farmer wears light green kebaya dress with a happy face and light laugh, nurturing her just about to crop rice at her vast rice field with beautiful volcano in background, bamboo hut and bamboo woods, an epic masterpiece hyper realistic digital art of Frank Bellamy, professional color grading by Kenneth Hines Jr. , 80's European Color Comic Style standing and with a big ass, big and voluptuous breasts, sensual and erotic, front view, with a large and erotic sex, nude, full body, front view

A Gorgeous black haired female Indonesian West Javanese Rice Farmer wears light green kebaya dress with a happy face and light laugh, nurturing her just about to crop rice at her vast rice field with beautiful volcano in background, bamboo hut and bamboo woods, an epic masterpiece hyper realistic digital art of Frank Bellamy, professional color grading by Kenneth Hines Jr. , 80's European Color Comic Style

standing and with a big ass, big and voluptuous breasts, sensual and erotic, front view, with a large and erotic sex, nude, full body, front view

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