737f7b4985594fc6d33f2faacf4d3fa13c1a9345e24530efce8e4fc812e76c91 CipherKey: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456"

Abstract art, everthing drawn in color of spectrum, soft line, soft rigging, soft texture, soft sketch, soft ink, very fluid art, soft edge, (incredible long hair: 1.5), messy hair, hair blend into surroundings, hair is irregular, (messy hair everywhere: 1.5), hair covers body, hair covers front body, abstract sketch, scratches, scribbled, hundred of colors, mixed colors, colors gradation, innumerable colors, unclear lines, unclear sketch, abstract paint, art background, unclear body, unclear face, colors everywhere, colors anywhere, scattered colors, colors splatters, colors spread everywhere,

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