Main subject: A Man Wearing a Robe
Subject details: The man is tall with a lean build, his face partially obscured by the hood of the robe. He exudes an air of mystery and wisdom. The robe is made of deep red and blue colors, intricately woven together, with subtle patterns that catch the light.
Background details: The scene is set in a vivid sandy world with towering rock formations that stretch toward a pale blue sky. The landscape is otherworldly, suggesting a distant planet or an advanced civilization's habitat.
Lighting details: Cinematic lighting bathes the scene in a warm, golden glow. The light casts long, dramatic shadows that emphasize the contours of the man's robe and the rugged terrain.
Atmosphere details: The atmosphere is tranquil yet charged with an undercurrent of anticipation. The impending sunset paints the sky with hues of orange and pink, creating a serene yet slightly melancholic ambiance.
Texture details: The robe's fabric has a smooth texture that reflects the high-quality craftsmanship. The sand dunes in the background have a fine, powdery texture that contrasts with the robe's rich colors.
Artist reference: In the style of Caravaggio & H.R. Giger
Technical detail: Oil painting from the Baroque period, dynamic composition with the man positioned off-center, drawing attention to the dramatic lighting and the robe's intricate details.
Parameters: --chaos 20, --stylize 800
Elements not found in the scene: --no birds & birds

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