In a magical forest hidden from the world, there dwells a beautiful teen girl who is the guardian of nature's wonders. She is an enchanting creature, connected to the flora and fauna around her. Your task is to create an AI-generated artwork that brings this "Enchanting Forest Maiden" to life.

Imagine her with a radiant smile that reflects her kind and gentle nature. Her eyes should sparkle like emeralds, mirroring the lush greens of the forest she protects. Her hair can be adorned with delicate flowers or leaves, showcasing her harmonious bond with nature.

Dress her in ethereal attire inspired by the forest itself, blending natural elements into her clothing. She may wear a flowing gown made of leaves, petals, or even morning mist. Let her accessories shimmer with hints of magic, like twinkling crystals or glistening dewdrops.

Surround the Forest Maiden with the flora and fauna she cares for, ranging from majestic trees to playful woodland creatures. The forest should be filled with a sense of wonder and magic, with beams of sunlight filtering through the canopy, and mystical creatures peeking out from behind trees.

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