best quality, painting, cyberpunk anime, (intense_angle:0.6), standing, wet ((female_battle_android)), 20 years old, (anger vein), ((diamond_shaped_pupils)), (looking to viewer), detailed eyes, mechanical_parts, (flush:1.3), (shimmer iridescent hair), motion_lines, face in focus, dim colors, HD, intridicated, ultra detailed cyberpunk rainy background, highly detailed, (by Kawase Hasui:1.3),CGSociety,ArtStation, m4a1 gun in hand, sinon1, scarf, fingerless gloves, long sleeves, short shorts, hair ornament, hairclip, green thighhighs, green jacket, thigh strap

best quality, painting, cyberpunk anime, (intense_angle:0.6), standing, wet ((female_battle_android)), 20 years old, (anger vein), ((diamond_shaped_pupils)), (looking to viewer), detailed eyes, mechanical_parts, (flush:1.3), (shimmer iridescent hair), motion_lines, face in focus, dim colors, HD, intridicated, ultra detailed cyberpunk rainy background, highly detailed, (by Kawase Hasui:1.3),CGSociety,ArtStation, m4a1 gun in hand, sinon1, scarf, fingerless gloves, long sleeves, short shorts, hair ornament, hairclip, green thighhighs, green jacket, thigh strap

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