
Tag Contest 2023

Check The Tag Contest Winner List

And let us congratulate our top three!

#1st place: miramura101 --- 365-day Pro Membership

#2nd place: KRY5 --- 180-day Pro Membership

#3rd place: maehara --- 60-day Pro Membership

We are elated to bring you the "Tag Contest", a unique event designed to stir your creativity and reward your participation! Here's everything you need to know:

Rank Calculation:

Your rank on the leaderboard will be determined by the totality of your posts. The formula is as follows: Score = Validated SFW (Safe For Work) Contents with proper tags * 4 + count of unique upvote users * 2 + count of unique comment users * 4. This system rewards not only the quality of your posts but also the engagement they inspire!


We will showcase the top 50 users based on their scores on our leaderboard. Keep your eyes peeled to see where you rank!


The top three users will be rewarded with our Pro Membership:

#1st place: 365-day Pro Membership

#2nd place: 180-day Pro Membership

#3rd place: 60-day Pro Membership

Daily Participation Bonus: Each participating user will receive 100 credits daily. Engage and post regularly to maximize your rewards!


We value our community and its norms. Therefore, any content that is politically sensitive, explicit celebrity content, child exploitation, or any content that disrupts community norms is strictly prohibited. Violations could lead to your account being banned, potentially permanently.

The primary goal of this event is to encourage everyone to better understand and utilize tags, focusing on creating more interesting and accurately tagged content. So, please bear in mind: Misusing tags or spamming irrelevant tags will lead to disqualification from the contest and forfeiture of any rewards. Please ensure your tags are accurate and relevant to maintain the integrity of the contest.

Easter Egg: Here's a fun twist - please show your support for your favorite tags! They might get a chance to be featured as channels.

Badge System (Coming Soon!):

We'd love to tell you that our badge system is currently in progress and is expected to be live within December. As a special treat, we'll be awarding commemorative badges to the participants of the Tag Contest. Stay tuned for this exciting update!

We can't wait to see your creative posts. Remember, the more you engage, the higher your chances of winning. Good luck and happy prompting!