Imagine the Grim Reaper cloaked in Gothic elegance, embodying a sense of dark romance and haunting beauty. He wears a long, flowing black robe adorned with intricate lace and silver embroidery, the fabric shimmering faintly in the moonlight. His skeletal frame is partially obscured by the cascading layers of the robe, which trails behind him as he moves with a ghostly grace. His hood is deep and shadowy, concealing his face except for the glint of his hollow, piercing eyes. In one hand, he carries an ornate scythe with a handle wrought from dark, polished wood, its blade etched with ancient runes and glinting with an otherworldly sheen. His other hand is adorned with delicate, silver rings and claw-like nails, each movement exuding an eerie elegance. The background is a desolate, moonlit graveyard, filled with weathered tombstones and twisted, gnarled trees. A misty fog swirls around his feet, adding to the chilling atmosphere. Perched on his shoulders and hovering nearby are ravens, their black feathers blending seamlessly with the night. Their eyes glow with a mysterious light, reflecting the Grim Reaper’s eternal knowledge. The entire scene is bathed in a pale, silvery light, creating stark contrasts and deep shadows that enhance the Gothic ambiance. The Grim Reaper stands as a timeless sentinel, a figure of both dread and melancholy beauty, embodying the essence of the Gothic style.,DonMB4nsh33XL

Imagine the Grim Reaper cloaked in Gothic elegance, embodying a sense of dark romance and haunting beauty. He wears a long, flowing black robe adorned with intricate lace and silver embroidery, the fabric shimmering faintly in the moonlight. His skeletal frame is partially obscured by the cascading layers of the robe, which trails behind him as he moves with a ghostly grace. His hood is deep and shadowy, concealing his face except for the glint of his hollow, piercing eyes.

In one hand, he carries an ornate scythe with a handle wrought from dark, polished wood, its blade etched with ancient runes and glinting with an otherworldly sheen. His other hand is adorned with delicate, silver rings and claw-like nails, each movement exuding an eerie elegance. The background is a desolate, moonlit graveyard, filled with weathered tombstones and twisted, gnarled trees. A misty fog swirls around his feet, adding to the chilling atmosphere.

Perched on his shoulders and hovering nearby are ravens, their black feathers blending seamlessly with the night. Their eyes glow with a mysterious light, reflecting the Grim Reaper’s eternal knowledge. The entire scene is bathed in a pale, silvery light, creating stark contrasts and deep shadows that enhance the Gothic ambiance. The Grim Reaper stands as a timeless sentinel, a figure of both dread and melancholy beauty, embodying the essence of the Gothic style.,DonMB4nsh33XL
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Imagine the Grim Reaper cloaked in Gothic elegance, embodying a sense of dark romance and haunting beauty. He wears a long, flowing black robe adorned with intricate lace and silver embroidery, the fabric shimmering faintly in the moonlight. His skeletal frame is partially obscured by the cascading layers of the robe, which trails behind him as he moves with a ghostly grace. His hood is deep and shadowy, concealing his face except for the glint of his hollow, piercing eyes. In one hand, he carries an ornate scythe with a handle wrought from dark, polished wood, its blade etched with ancient runes and glinting with an otherworldly sheen. His other hand is adorned with delicate, silver rings and claw-like nails, each movement exuding an eerie elegance. The background is a desolate, moonlit graveyard, filled with weathered tombstones and twisted, gnarled trees. A misty fog swirls around his feet, adding to the chilling atmosphere. Perched on his shoulders and hovering nearby are ravens, their black feathers blending seamlessly with the night. Their eyes glow with a mysterious light, reflecting the Grim Reaper’s eternal knowledge. The entire scene is bathed in a pale, silvery light, creating stark contrasts and deep shadows that enhance the Gothic ambiance. The Grim Reaper stands as a timeless sentinel, a figure of both dread and melancholy beauty, embodying the essence of the Gothic style.,DonMB4nsh33XL

Negative Prompt

(render, doll, painting, cartoon ,fake,modeling:1), (worst quality, low quality:1), monochrome, not clear photo, disfigured fingers, deformed, Abstract colors, malformed, deformed face, bad teeth, bad hands, bad fingers, bad eyes, deformed fingers, long body, blurry, duplicated, (floating gold chains), cloned, duplicate body parts, disfigured, extra limbs, fused fingers, extra fingers, twisted, digital glitch, distorted, malformed hands, tail, malformed mouth, mutated hands and fingers, floating tails, conjoined, missing limbs, bad anatomy, bad proportions, logo, watermark, text, copyright, signature, lowres, mutated, mutilated, artifacts, gross, ugly, unnatural face, unnatural body, imperfect eyes, bad lips, blurred lips, full body, (((elongated neck)), ((2 girls)), 2 people, (((asymmetric eyes))), EasynegativeV2, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, verybadimagenegative_v1.3, 4 eyes, (double head))), (((long neck))), (((out of frame))), (((cropped head))), verybadimagenegative_v1.3, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, (ugly face:0.8), cross-eyed, (worst quality:1), (low quality:1), (normal quality:1), lowres, normal quality, skin spots, acnes, skin blemishes, bad anatomy, DeepNegative, facing away, tilted head, {Multiple people}, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worstquality, low quality, normal quality, jpegartifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, bad feet, cropped, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, mutation, deformed, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, ipeg artifacts, signature, watermark, extra fingers, fewer digits, two tone color skin, Floating tail, wing, deformed hands, mutated hands, blurry logo, tail, deformed logo, mutated logo, Extra limbs, Extra tail, blurry letters, blurry words, Distorted feet,


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