Craft breathtaking and mind-blowing magical fantasy creatures with extraordinary details and vibrant pastel colors. Envision these fantastical creatures with a level of intricacy that captivates the imagination. Strive for a smooth gloss finish to enhance the final 8k to 16k resolution. Draw inspiration from the artistic styles of Jean Baptiste Monge, Carne Griffiths, Michael Garmash, Seb Mckinnon, and Jeremy Mann. Let your creativity flow without limitations, exploring the fantastical realms of imagination. --testpfx

Craft breathtaking and mind-blowing magical fantasy creatures with extraordinary details and vibrant pastel colors. Envision these fantastical creatures with a level of intricacy that captivates the imagination. Strive for a smooth gloss finish to enhance the final 8k to 16k resolution. Draw inspiration from the artistic styles of Jean Baptiste Monge, Carne Griffiths, Michael Garmash, Seb Mckinnon, and Jeremy Mann. Let your creativity flow without limitations, exploring the fantastical realms of imagination. --testpfx
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Craft breathtaking and mind-blowing magical fantasy creatures with extraordinary details and vibrant pastel colors. Envision these fantastical creatures with a level of intricacy that captivates the imagination. Strive for a smooth gloss finish to enhance the final 8k to 16k resolution. Draw inspiration from the artistic styles of Jean Baptiste Monge, Carne Griffiths, Michael Garmash, Seb Mckinnon, and Jeremy Mann. Let your creativity flow without limitations, exploring the fantastical realms of imagination. --testpfx

Negative Prompt

worst quality, low quality, low res, blurry, text, watermark, logo, banner, extra digits, cropped, jpeg artifacts, signature, username, error, sketch, duplicate, ugly, monochrome, horror, geometry, mutation, disgusting, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, mutation, deformed, blurry, dehydrated, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra limbs, cloned face, disfigured, gross proportions, malformed limbs, deformity, mutation, abnormal, unreasonable, deformed,Mutation, painting feeling, forsythia leaves, AI image feeling,


DPM++ SDE Karras



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