Create a highly detailed, photorealist, hyperrealist, hyperdetailed, masterpiece, seamlessly blending the artistic styles of No rman Rockwell, Steve Hanks, Caravaggio, Hajime Sorayama, Jean Giraud, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, and Jen Christiansen. The subject of the new painting showcases a cinematic setting of a distant future, where a dynamic female protagonist takes center stage in a thrilling live-action sci-fi adventure amidst the surreal landscape of an alien world. In the foreground of the composition stands our heroine, her silhouette a striking contrast against the backdrop of the alien landscape. Clad in a sleek and futuristic ensemble that seamlessly blends form and function, she embodies the epitome of strength and determination. Her attire, adorned with intricate details and high-tech accents, speaks to her role as a fearless explorer of the cosmos. With her steely gaze fixed on the horizon, she navigates the alien terrain with the confidence of a seasoned adventurer. Each movement is executed with grace and power, a testament to her unparalleled skills and unwavering resolve. Her long, flowing brown hair cascades behind her, caught in the swirling winds of the alien world, adding a touch of dramatic flair to her dynamic presence. Armed with state-of-the-art weaponry and cutting-edge technology, our heroine faces each challenge with unwavering courage and ingenuity. Against the backdrop of the alien world's swirling skies and mysterious landscapes, she encounters adversaries that test her mettle at every turn, yet she remains undaunted in her quest for discovery and self-discovery. As she ventures deeper into the unknown, unraveling the secrets of the cosmos while confronting the demons of her own past, our heroine's journey becomes a thrilling adventure of epic proportions. With each step forward, she grows stronger and more determined, forging a path toward an uncertain future with courage and conviction. Through the artist's masterful use of light, color, and composition, the painting captures

Create a highly detailed, photorealist, hyperrealist, hyperdetailed, masterpiece, seamlessly blending the artistic styles of No

rman Rockwell, Steve Hanks, Caravaggio, Hajime Sorayama, Jean Giraud, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, and Jen Christiansen. The subject of the new painting showcases a cinematic setting of a distant future, where a dynamic female protagonist takes center stage in a thrilling live-action sci-fi adventure amidst the surreal landscape of an alien world. In the foreground of the composition stands our heroine, her silhouette a striking contrast against the backdrop of the alien landscape. Clad in a sleek and futuristic ensemble that seamlessly blends form and function, she embodies the epitome of strength and determination. Her attire, adorned with intricate details and high-tech accents, speaks to her role as a fearless explorer of the cosmos. With her steely gaze fixed on the horizon, she navigates the alien terrain with the confidence of a seasoned adventurer. Each movement is executed with grace and power, a testament to her unparalleled skills and unwavering resolve. Her long, flowing brown hair cascades behind her, caught in the swirling winds of the alien world, adding a touch of dramatic flair to her dynamic presence. Armed with state-of-the-art weaponry and cutting-edge technology, our heroine faces each challenge with unwavering courage and ingenuity. Against the backdrop of the alien world's swirling skies and mysterious landscapes, she encounters adversaries that test her mettle at every turn, yet she remains undaunted in her quest for discovery and self-discovery. As she ventures deeper into the unknown, unraveling the secrets of the cosmos while confronting the demons of her own past, our heroine's journey becomes a thrilling adventure of epic proportions. With each step forward, she grows stronger and more determined, forging a path toward an uncertain future with courage and conviction. Through the artist's masterful use of light, color, and composition, the painting captures



Create a highly detailed, photorealist, hyperrealist, hyperdetailed, masterpiece, seamlessly blending the artistic styles of No rman Rockwell, Steve Hanks, Caravaggio, Hajime Sorayama, Jean Giraud, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, and Jen Christiansen. The subject of the new painting showcases a cinematic setting of a distant future, where a dynamic female protagonist takes center stage in a thrilling live-action sci-fi adventure amidst the surreal landscape of an alien world. In the foreground of the composition stands our heroine, her silhouette a striking contrast against the backdrop of the alien landscape. Clad in a sleek and futuristic ensemble that seamlessly blends form and function, she embodies the epitome of strength and determination. Her attire, adorned with intricate details and high-tech accents, speaks to her role as a fearless explorer of the cosmos. With her steely gaze fixed on the horizon, she navigates the alien terrain with the confidence of a seasoned adventurer. Each movement is executed with grace and power, a testament to her unparalleled skills and unwavering resolve. Her long, flowing brown hair cascades behind her, caught in the swirling winds of the alien world, adding a touch of dramatic flair to her dynamic presence. Armed with state-of-the-art weaponry and cutting-edge technology, our heroine faces each challenge with unwavering courage and ingenuity. Against the backdrop of the alien world's swirling skies and mysterious landscapes, she encounters adversaries that test her mettle at every turn, yet she remains undaunted in her quest for discovery and self-discovery. As she ventures deeper into the unknown, unraveling the secrets of the cosmos while confronting the demons of her own past, our heroine's journey becomes a thrilling adventure of epic proportions. With each step forward, she grows stronger and more determined, forging a path toward an uncertain future with courage and conviction. Through the artist's masterful use of light, color, and composition, the painting captures

Negative Prompt

EasyNegative ,low quality disfigured bad gross disgusting mutation ugly morbid mutated deformed mutilated mangled poorly drawn face extra limb missing limb floating limbs disconnected limbs malformed limbs oversaturated duplicate bodies cloned faces low-res blurry blur out of focus out of frame extra missing


DPM++ 2M SDE Karras



CFG Scale




Clip Skip




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