In the magical realm of Nightopia, NiGHTS is a whimsical, gender-fluid Nightmaren who rebelled against the evil Wizeman. With a heart full of courage and a spirit of freedom, NiGHTS befriends dreamers Claris and Elliot, guiding them through their subconscious adventures. Together, they soar through fantastical landscapes, collecting Ideya to thwart Wizeman's dark plans. NiGHTS embodies the essence of dreams, embracing the light of hope and the power of imagination. Their journey is a testament to the strength found in unity and the triumph of dreams over nightmares.
Game Name: NiGHTS into Dreams
Character Names: NiGHTS
Preview Strength: 0.6 - 1 (Preview Images with 1.0)
Attention: Since this is a Pony model, please consider the following in the prompt:
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, source_anime