In a lush, moonlit glade, under the uncanny darkness of a Halloween eclipse, a charming rabbit wanders, dressed in the lavish garb of a fantastical cavalier. Its coat is a deep green, reminiscent of the enchanted ferns that line the whispering paths of its wooded kingdom, complete with golden epaulettes that gleam faintly in the dim light. A feathered hat tilts rakishly, casting a playful shadow across its gentle eyes, twinkling with the mischief and wonder of the season. An ornate rapier, tiny yet splendid, hangs at its side, the hilt embedded with shining gemstones that catch the waning light. Each hop sends shimmering leaves cascading in its wake, creating an ephemeral archway that frames its magical journey through the night. The forest, alive with ageless tales, sways gently to the nocturnal music orchestrated by this gallant creature. (The rabbit pauses occasionally, its keen ears pricked to the sounds of the eclipse-lit woodland, a ballet of shadows and dreams unfolding amidst the woven paths.)

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