ImpressionistStyle_FLUX_LoRA - v1.3

"In the style of Andy Park, create an imaginative and hyperrealistic depiction of rolling hills with farms and farmhouses, characterized by intricate line work and dynamic composition. The farmhouses should appear weathered and time-worn, with signs of years of exposure to the elements, their rustic charm accentuated by muted, earthy tones. The roofs may show signs of wear, with faded paint and aged wood blending into the natural landscape. Fields and farmlands should stretch across the rolling hills, with vibrant accents of greenery and golden crops contrasting against the more muted tones of the old structures, enhancing the depth and atmosphere of the scene. The focus should be on one or two central farmhouses, while the surrounding landscape transitions into an abstract, painterly environment with indistinct shapes and forms suggesting distant barns, fields, and overgrown foliage. The atmosphere should be hazy and diffuse, contributing to an ethereal and somewhat nostalgic feel, with the soft light of the setting sun casting long shadows over the rolling hills. The background, rendered in a loose, impressionistic style, should emphasize mood and atmosphere over detailed realism, blending seamlessly into the horizon, creating a peaceful and timeless rural landscape."