Indian women face details - crystal

A dark and ethereal portrait of an elf in which her pale skin contrasts with the gloom that surrounds her. Her almond-shaped eyes, a deep and mysterious green, shine with an aura of ancient magic and hidden power. Her face is framed by strands of dark, almost black hair that fall in soft waves,
highlighting its delicate but imposing beauty. He wears a crown of dark, sharp crystals that seem to grow directly from his skull, radiating a cold, spectral glow. The crystals glow with a dark light, reflecting flashes of deep blue, purple, and black, as if imbued with forbidden magic.
Shadows cling to his figure, enhancing the atmosphere of mystery, while ancient marks and runes appear subtly on his skin, emitting a hidden energy. The background is composed of hazy shadows and diffuse shapes, as if the world is fading around them, focusing only on their imposing and disturbing presence.
The atmosphere is haunting and mystical, with a sense of latent danger emanating from its powerful presence,crystalz