OB微缩真实摄影 - FLUX

OBweisuo,This is a vibrant, digital illustration depicting a whimsical, fairytale-like scene. The central focus is a small, ornate pavilion with a golden roof, nestled on a floating platform in a serene, turquoise lake. The pavilion is adorned with intricate golden details and has a small, open window with a decorative lattice pattern. Three adorable white rabbits with large, expressive eyes and rosy cheeks are the main characters. The rabbit on the left is holding a golden coin in its paws, while the rabbit in the middle is seated with a contented expression, also holding a coin. The rabbit on the right is holding a golden coin in its mouth, appearing to be in the act of eating it.Scattered around the platform are numerous golden coins and a golden chest, adding to the wealth and opulence of the scene. The background features a large, glowing golden sun, casting a warm, golden light over the entire composition. Golden leaves from a tree branch, with a textured bark, extend from the top left, adding to the magical ambiance. The overall style is rich and detailed, with a focus on vibrant colors and a soft, dreamy texture, creating an enchanting and whimsical atmosphere.