OB微缩真实摄影 - FLUX

OBweisuo,This is a hyper-realistic CGI image of a charming, cozy cottage nestled on a rocky outcrop in a snowy forest. The cottage is constructed from rough, gray stones, giving it a rustic, quaint appearance. It has a small, pointed roof with a chimney emitting a gentle plume of smoke, suggesting warmth inside. The windows are large, with warm, yellowish light emanating from them, casting a soft glow on the snow-covered ground.The cottage has two levels: the main level with a large window and a smaller, adjacent extension with a smaller window. Surrounding the cottage are meticulously detailed, miniature pine trees, adding to the wintry ambiance. The ground is covered in a thick layer of snow, with some patches of grass and shrubs peeking through, suggesting a late winter or early spring season.A narrow, stone staircase leads up to the cottage, illuminated by tiny, warm fairy lights placed along the steps, creating a magical, inviting atmosphere. The background features tall, dark pine trees, their needles lightly dusted with snow, and a soft, out-of-focus bokeh effect that enhances the focus on the cottage. The overall scene is a harmonious blend of natural elements and human craftsmanship, evoking a sense of tranquility and enchantment.