OB半写实肖像画 - FLUX

OBxiaoxiang,This is a highly detailed, digital painting of a young woman with an ethereal, almost otherworldly appearance. The subject has fair skin with a soft, smooth texture, and her facial features are delicate and refined. She has large, almond-shaped blue eyes with long, thick eyelashes, giving her a serene and somewhat distant expression. Her lips are full and slightly parted, with a natural, pinkish hue. Her hair is straight, shoulder-length, and a pale, almost white color, adding to her ethereal quality.The background is a simple, light beige color, which serves to highlight the subject and does not distract from her delicate features. The lighting is soft and diffused, creating a gentle glow that enhances the softness of her skin and the subtle details in her hair and eyes. The style of the painting is highly realistic, with attention to fine details such as the subtle blush on her cheeks and the delicate texture of her hair.The overall composition is centered on the woman's face, with minimal background elements, emphasizing her serene and enigmatic presence. The image evokes a sense of calm and beauty, making it a captivating and intimate portrait.