wukong - 1

wukong, This image is a highly detailed CGI rendering of a humanoid monkey with a human-like face and a prominent, bushy mane of gray hair. The monkey's face is serious and stern, with a slightly furrowed brow and a focused, penetrating gaze. The monkey's skin is a light pinkish color, with a slightly rough texture, and its facial features are finely detailed, showing individual hairs and pores. The monkey is dressed in elaborate, ornate armor. The armor is primarily dark blue with intricate gold and green accents, including a large, ornate chest piece adorned with a golden emblem resembling a dragon or mythical creature. The chest piece is connected to a thick, red cord that hangs down the front, adding a touch of color contrast. The armor is also adorned with small, golden circular decorations and intricate patterns, giving it a regal and historical appearance.In the background, the sky is a muted, overcast gray, suggesting a stormy or twilight atmosphere <lora:wukong:1>