FLUX插画 - 2

A stunningly gorgeous woman, her image is full of the ultimate national fashion magnificence. She was wearing a robe gilded with phoenix feathers, and the material was as smooth as flowing liquid. The details of the phoenix feathers are extremely delicate. Each feather is outlined with gold threads, showing progressive colors, from deep red to orange gold to light yellow, with a natural transition. The edges of the robe are inlaid with complex patterns of tangled branches and auspicious clouds. The lines are delicate and full of three-dimensionality, as if the embroidery is growing in layers on the brocade. Her hair ornaments are embellished with multi-layered gold steps and emeralds. The beads on the steps reflect colorful brilliance with the light, and every pearl and jade shines with a warm light. There was a cold purple light in her eyes, like dreamy purple smoke. The background is a luxurious deep purple, dotted with auspicious clouds decorated with delicate patterns. Each cloud pattern is outlined in gold. The light and dark changes in light make the background appear rich in layers, giving off a gorgeous and elegant atmosphere.