植物 - 幼兒動畫

A charming chibi-style illustration of a cozy bedroom at night, designed for a children's picture book. The room is illuminated by soft, warm lighting, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere. The bed is neatly arranged, with a book resting on the covers, suggesting a bedtime ritual. The floor is dotted with an assortment of toys, reflecting a child's playful space. Xiaoya, the 7-year-old girl, is seated on the bed, her attention focused on the book in her hands, her expression one of quiet contentment. Meanwhile, her younger brother, Xiaole, is on the floor, immersed in play, his face showing the pure delight of a child at play. The illustration is executed with clear, simple lines and a white background, making it both visually engaging and appropriate for young audiences. The image size is tailored to fit the dimensions of a children's book, ensuring it is both accessible and appealing to its intended readers.