A bustling cannabis festival nestled in the heart of the world's largest metropolis, with skyscrapers and neon lights creating a vibrant backdrop. In the center of the frame, five nation leaders from diverse countries stand united in a cozy, futuristic lab, surrounded by lush greenery and high-tech equipment. The focal point is an enormous, gleaming vaporizer machine that dominates the space, emitting a thick, aromatic mist that fills the air with an ethereal glow. The leaders are engaged in a relaxed conversation, each holding a sleek, ergonomic vaporizer device, symbolizing their collective embrace of progressive policies. To the left, a young man in a festival t-shirt lounges on a plush, modern sofa, his eyes closed in contentment as he savors the moment. On the right, a vibrant figure is caught mid-dance, his movements fluid and uninhibited, illustrating the festive spirit that has permeated the gathering. The lab's walls are adorned with informative charts and graphs, hinting at the scientific advancements and international collaborations that have led to this monumental event. The scene exudes an atmosphere of camaraderie and innovation, as these influential figures set aside their differences to share in the celebration of a burgeoning industry that transcends borders.