DonM - Data Density, a dot art style [SD1.5,SDXL,Pony] - Pony

DonMD4t4D3ns1tyXL,score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, female virtual crime specialist, nano-infused mutants, mutants with nanobots integrating into their bodies, granting extraordinary abilities, retirement age, ripped, pacific islander, chestnut eyes, unique ears, crooked nose,  underbite jaw,   heart face shape with pointed chin,    , light brown boho waves hair, amusement, pensive posture, character stands with one hand on the chin, lost in thought or contemplation, cyber-silk sleek wings wearing aquamarine    holographic glitch print augmented reality jeans,  holo-silk ruffle blouse,  augmented leather bow headband, , ar interaction, character gestures with one hand in front of them, as if manipulating augmented reality objects, corporate cyberpunk,dot art, data density, monochrome , rating_safe <lora:DonMD4t4D3ns1tyXL-pony:0.8>