A mesmerizing and surreal art piece by TMann Nyc, featuring a harmonious blend of concept art and alcohol ink on a black background. The artwork showcases a stylized female silhouette, expertly intertwined with vivid colors and shapes of nature. The background reveals a dark, fantastical world with elements of architecture and wildlife, creating an immersive and captivating atmosphere. The overall composition is both visually appealing and impactful, drawing the viewer into its mysterious and enchanting world., poster, graffiti, cinematic, 3d render, fashion, ukiyo-e, vibrant, portrait photography, anime, painting, conceptual art, architecture, dark fantasy, photo, wildlife photography, illustration,  epic action, Unreal Engine, cinematic award winning artwork, many details, extreme detailed, full of details,Wide range of colors., dramatic, Dynamic,Cinematic,Sharp details, Insane quality. Insane resolution. Insane details. Masterpiece. 32k resolution. casting shadow style, cucoloris patterned illumination,  dvr-lnds-sdxl, ral-dissolve, ral-ertmsphr, ral-porcelain, ral-pxlprtcl, Niji, aidma-niji