Maya 0.1 - 2024-07-12

(A young lady with long, flowing hair that seems to shimmer with an inner light), (dressed in a classic school uniform with a short skirt and a crisp white blouse). (Her skin glistens as if freshly kissed by a light rain), (and she wears a soft smile that suggests innocence and sweetness). (Her eyes sparkle with curiosity and kindness). (The background is a blur of pastel colors), (creating a sense of serene otherworldliness). (The scene is suffused with an ethereal glow), (highlighting the edges of her clothing and the leaves of the nearby trees). (Her uniform is slightly wet), (adding to the dreamy aura). (The atmosphere is calm and welcoming), (inviting the viewer into her whimsical world). , (score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up),