SD3 realistic detail - v1

The image showcases an extraordinary being that seems to be a fusion of a fox, a bonsai tree, and a constellation, captured in what appears to be a serene Japanese garden at night.
The creature has the general shape and size of a red fox, with a slender body, pointed ears, and a bushy tail. However, instead of fur, its body is covered in a layer of fine, moss-like growth interspersed with delicate cherry blossom flowers. The moss shifts in color from deep greens to soft blues, creating a living tapestry across its form.
The fox's tail is where the bonsai element truly shines. It fans out into an intricate network of miniature tree branches, complete with tiny leaves and even smaller cherry blossoms. This bonsai tail appears to be in perfect proportion, as if crafted by a master gardener over many years.
Most strikingly, portions of the creature's body seem to be composed of star-like lights connected by faint, glowing lines - like a living constellation. These stellar patterns are most prominent along its back and face, creating the impression that you're looking at a piece of the night sky shaped into a fox form.
The being's eyes are particularly captivating - they appear as swirling galaxies, deep and mesmerizing, suggesting both ancient wisdom and cosmic playfulness.
As the creature moves, small firefly-like lights drift off its body, leaving brief, glowing trails in the air before fading away. This gives the impression of stars gently falling around it with each step.
The setting is a traditional Japanese garden at night. A stone lantern casts soft light nearby, illuminating a small koi pond and a carefully raked gravel path. Bamboo sways gently in the background, and a torii gate is just visible in the distance.
Despite the fantastical nature of this hybrid creature, the photograph appears incredibly lifelike. Every detail is rendered with photorealistic precision - from the texture of the moss and the delicate structure of the bonsai branches to the subtle glow of the constellation patterns and the reflection of starlight on the pond's surface.
The creature is captured mid-step, one paw raised as it walks along the edge of the koi pond. Its posture is alert yet serene, its galaxy eyes focused on something just out of frame, creating a sense of mystery and magic in this beautifully composed nocturnal scene.