Juggernaut | LoCon | XL | 1.5 | Dirty Robbie's OC - LoCon 2023

Here's a prompt for you:

Jaeggernawt, a stunningly handsome 27-year-old English actor, sits confidently in a nighttime amusement park setting, illuminated by a softglow that accentuates his pale complexion. His medium-brown mullet and masculine messy hair frame his strong features, while his intense gaze directly engages the viewer. He's dressed in trendywear, with a shirt that showcases his broad shoulders. The DSLR camera captures him at 75mm, with an aperture of f/1.4 to create a breathtakingly shallow bokeh, emphasizing depth and dimensionality. A masterpiece of realism, this UHD portrait is sure to impress.