Falko | DirtyRobbie's OC - SDXL

Here's a prompt for generating an image based on your description:

A fierce English warrior stands atop a snow-capped mountain, his medium pale-brown hair wildly combed-back, revealing prominent cheekbones and a diamond-shaped face defined by his strong jawline. His intense blue eyes pierce through the cold air as he gazes out at the frozen landscape below. He wears a well-rendered savage warrior's armor belt and large worn leather pants, with intricate tribal tattoos visible on his skin. A long chain adorned with ancient ornaments hangs around his neck. In one hand, he grasps a massive warhammer, its weight seemingly negligible as he stands firm against the biting cold. The shy sun casts multiple god-rays through the clouds, illuminating the warrior's determined expression and the snow-covered peaks behind him. Rendered in 16k detail using Source Filmmaker (SFM), this image captures the intensity of a brutal warrior braving the freezing climate.