Carne Griffiths画家风格-彩色泼墨XL版 - 各种酒彩色泼墨风格

Create a technical sketch of Rei Hino (Sailor Mars) from the Japanese anime series "Sailor Moon". The sketch should be in black and white line art, capturing the intricate details of her design, including her sailor outfit with a red collar and skirt, long black hair, red high heels, and her tiara with a red gem. The main body of Rei Hino should be rendered in a colorful 3D effect to highlight her vibrant and dynamic appearane.Include annotations and measurements for key components such as the height of the character,the length of her hair, the dimensions of her tiara,and the size of her shoes. The sketch should have a clean, white background to emphasize the detailed parts of the character. Annotations should be clear and legible, providing detailed explanations of each part. 8kHD.,crotch tattoo