A stunning woman with ravishing long curly black hair, cascading down her back like a waterfall. She wears a bright yellow dress that accentuates her slender figure. Her piercing green-blue eyes sparkle with charm, as she gazes directly at the camera. In mid-shot, her face fills the frame, with a subtle focus on her captivating features. The lighting is soft and natural, with a hint of film grain adding warmth to the image. The subject's eyelids are slightly raised, giving depth to her gaze. The camera's focus is razor-sharp, showcasing every detail, from the gentle curve of her cheekbones to the delicate shape of her eyebrows. Anatomically correct proportions define her slender figure, as if she were plucked straight from a fashion magazine.,<lora:659111690174031528:1.0>

A stunning woman with ravishing long curly black hair, cascading down her back like a waterfall. She wears a bright yellow dress that accentuates her slender figure. Her piercing green-blue eyes sparkle with charm, as she gazes directly at the camera. In mid-shot, her face fills the frame, with a subtle focus on her captivating features. The lighting is soft and natural, with a hint of film grain adding warmth to the image. The subject's eyelids are slightly raised, giving depth to her gaze. The camera's focus is razor-sharp, showcasing every detail, from the gentle curve of her cheekbones to the delicate shape of her eyebrows. Anatomically correct proportions define her slender figure, as if she were plucked straight from a fashion magazine.,<lora:659111690174031528:1.0>