DonMC4745tr0ph1cXL female male virtual black market trader, ai entities, self-aware artificial intelligence with high-level cognitive abilities, eighteen ripped, greek, black eyes,   u-shaped chin,    round face shape, well-defined achilles tendons, tongue, green waves haircut hair, grief, gravity-defying leap, character jumps high into the air, legs tucked in, showing off enhanced jumping abilities,  wearing  carbon-fiber track pants,  neural lace hooded poncho,   neuro-linked rucksack ,, synchronizing breath and energy flow, harmonizing with the universe, neon-lit alleyways, advanced ai-controlled war drones surveilling the area, cyber-noir,score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, rating_safe  <lora:DonMC4745tr0ph1cXL-pony:1>