Serena Long Hair - v1.15

In a dimly lit nightclub, Serena stands tall, her blonde hair cascading down her back. She gazes directly at the viewer with half-closed eyes, an evil grin spreading across her lips as they curve into a sly smile. Her long, pleated skirt flows around her legs, and her halter-neck top showcases her toned collarbone. Black thigh-highs accentuate her toned calves, paired with black eye makeup that makes her pupils appear like voids. A choker wraps around her neck, holding up a gleaming silver pendant. As the neon lights of the dance floor blur in the background, Serena's sharp features and intricate details stand out against the shallow depth of field. The club's atmosphere is electric, with a hint of mystery, as if she's about to unleash her inner seductress on the crowded dance floor.