In a dystopian cyberpunk metropolis, a lone figure of a woman clad in a traditional Muslim abaya stands out against a backdrop of neon-lit skyscrapers and holographic advertisements. Soft, golden lighting wraps around her, highlighting the intricate folds of the fabric and the delicate features of her face. She confidently holds a vibrant red rose, its velvety petals glowing with an inner radiance as she surveys the desolate cityscape. The subject's serene expression is juxtaposed against the bleak surroundings, drawing the viewer's gaze towards her striking figure.<lora:EMS-50097-EMS:0.800000>, <lora:EMS-179-EMS:0.800000>, <lora:EMS-385092-EMS:0.700000>

In a dystopian cyberpunk metropolis, a lone figure of a woman clad in a traditional Muslim abaya stands out against a backdrop of neon-lit skyscrapers and holographic advertisements. Soft, golden lighting wraps around her, highlighting the intricate folds of the fabric and the delicate features of her face. She confidently holds a vibrant red rose, its velvety petals glowing with an inner radiance as she surveys the desolate cityscape. The subject's serene expression is juxtaposed against the bleak surroundings, drawing the viewer's gaze towards her striking figure.<lora:EMS-50097-EMS:0.800000>, <lora:EMS-179-EMS:0.800000>, <lora:EMS-385092-EMS:0.700000>