A vibrant mosaic artwork that showcases a radiant sun surrounded by colorful flowers and butterflies. Below the sun, two animated figures, a girl and a boy, are depicted. The girl, with flowing hair, reaches out towards the sun, while the boy stands beside her, looking up. The background consists of a myriad of blue tiles, creating a night sky effect. The bottom of the image is adorned with intricate patterns of swirls, plants, and more flowers, giving a sense of depth and a garden-like setting.

A vibrant mosaic artwork that showcases a radiant sun surrounded by colorful flowers and butterflies. Below the sun, two animated figures, a girl and a boy, are depicted. The girl, with flowing hair, reaches out towards the sun, while the boy stands beside her, looking up. The background consists of a myriad of blue tiles, creating a night sky effect. The bottom of the image is adorned with intricate patterns of swirls, plants, and more flowers, giving a sense of depth and a garden-like setting.