A vibrant stained glass artwork. At its center, a large, colorful bear is depicted, surrounded by a myriad of flowers in various shades of red, yellow, and purple. Above the bear, a radiant sun shines down, casting a warm glow. To the left of the bear, a young girl with dark hair and a red bow is seen, reaching out to the bear with a golden orb in her hand. The background is filled with more flowers and leaves, creating a lush, dreamy landscape.

A vibrant stained glass artwork. At its center, a large, colorful bear is depicted, surrounded by a myriad of flowers in various shades of red, yellow, and purple. Above the bear, a radiant sun shines down, casting a warm glow. To the left of the bear, a young girl with dark hair and a red bow is seen, reaching out to the bear with a golden orb in her hand. The background is filled with more flowers and leaves, creating a lush, dreamy landscape.