cyoulate - 写真大模型

Glorious autumn chrysanthemums, lush spring pines. Like a light cloud covering the moon, floating like a flowing wind returning to snow. Looking from afar, bright as the sun rising in the morning glow; Observing it with force, it burns like a lotus, emitting green waves. Smooth and delicate, with a perfect fit. If the shoulders are shaved, the waist is as simple as a promise. Stretching the neck and showcasing a bright complexion. Fangze has no added beauty, and lead flowers have no royal charm. The cloud bun is majestic, and the eyebrows are trimmed to form a beautiful couplet. The red lips are bright on the outside, and the white teeth are fresh inside. Bright eyes favor, dimples assist in carrying power. The posture is elegant and elegant, with a calm and leisurely demeanor. Soft and graceful, pleasing to language. The extraordinary attire is unparalleled, and the bone image corresponds to the picture. The radiance of the draped robe, the brilliance of the elegant jade. Wearing gold and jade jewelry, embellished with bright pearls to shine on the body. Treading on the literary shoes of a distant journey, dragging the light train of misty silk. The fragrance of the faint orchid is gentle, walking hesitantly in the corner of the mountain.