Hyper-SD极速!国摄天香XL-0.4算力出图 - 2.0

non fiction book cover art,factual,informative,clean,subtle colors in the languid twilight,a solitary silhouette stands at the edge of a forgotten lake,shrouded in an aura of lethargy and nostalgia. the fog creeps around them like a gentle lover,obscuring their features from view as they lean against the worn stone wall. as the last wisps of sunlight dissolve into the mist,the figure's gaze slowly drifts downward,as if succumbing to the weight of their own thoughts. their eyes seem to hold a deep fatigue,as if they are reliving a dreamless sleep or mourning the loss of a forgotten melody. the air is heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves,and the only sound is the soft lapping of the water against the shore,punctuated by the distant hum of a sleepy insect...,